Health and Attendance Tech
- Your child's name
- Grade & teacher
- Reason for the absense
- Your name and relation to the student
When a student returns to school following an absense, the parent/guardian has 72 hours (3 school days) to notify the school with the reason for the absence and to turn in any medical verification for medical appointments.
Do vou have a new contact phone number? Do you want to add an additional contact number? Have you moved?
In case of illness, emergency or information, current contact information is vitally important.
Update your emergency contact information in Parent Portal.
- Complete a VUSD Medication Authorization Form HERE signed by both the parent and physician for mediation administered at school, including over-the-counter medication. Please note that the form is 2 sided and both sides must be completed.
- An adult must bring the medication to school & must pick it up at the end of the school year or when it is no longer needed.
Medications not picked up at the end of the school year will be discarded. - A new form much be completed each school year, even if there have been no changes in the medication. If the type or amount of medication changes during the school year, a new form must be submitted.
- The medication must be in the original prescription container, properly labeled, or in the original over-the-counter packaging.
You are always welcome to come to school and administer medication to your child, however school staff is not able to administer any medications without the written authorization of both the physician and parent. Please do not bring in any medication until these authorizations have been completed.